Diabetic Diet Sugar In Oatmeal

Diabetic Diet Sugar In Oatmeal

Photo Courtesy: @ADA_DiabetesPro/Twitter

Diabetes impacts the lives of more than 34 million Americans, which adds up to more than 10% of the population. When you consider the magnitude of that number, it's easy to understand why everyone needs to be aware of the signs of the disease. Untreated diabetes can cause serious complications and eventually become life threatening, but early detection increases the likelihood of successfully managing the disease with an effective treatment plan.

In fact, if you spot the signs of a potential problem at the prediabetes stage of the disease, you may be able to halt the progression before you ever develop Type 2 diabetes. Start by familiarizing yourself with the risk factors for diabetes and the signs you need to watch for that could indicate the onset of the disease.

Prediabetes occurs when blood sugar levels frequently remain higher than normal but not so high that they are classified as diabetes. Prediabetes almost always exists as a warning sign before diabetes develops, but it often doesn't cause symptoms that would make it easy to spot. However, some people notice darkened patches of skin around the neck, armpits, elbows, knuckles and knees.

Risk factors for developing prediabetes include being overweight, eating a diet with a lot of added sugar and processed foods, inactivity, age and a family history of diabetes. If you have prediabetes, lifestyle changes may be enough to halt the progression of symptoms and prevent the development of actual diabetes. It's important to get plenty of exercise and establish healthy eating habits with limited sugar, salt and saturated fat.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

Many people think of Type 1 diabetes as juvenile diabetes, mainly because it often develops in children, but it can begin at any age. This type of diabetes occurs when the immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas that make insulin. Our cells use insulin to control blood sugar levels in the blood and convert it to fuel for the body. When the pancreas no longer makes insulin or doesn't make nearly enough insulin, it causes a lot of dangerous complications.

With adult-onset Type 1 diabetes, many patients are first misdiagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. It's also harder to diagnose at older ages because many adults don't show symptoms at first. Common symptoms of Type 1 diabetes that eventually appear include weight loss, dehydration, frequent urination, excessive thirst and hunger, fatigue, blurry vision and wounds that won't heal.

If the condition isn't treated, the body will eventually go into a state of diabetic ketoacidosis, which means acidic ketones build up in the blood along with excess sugar released by the liver. When this happens, the high glucose and ketone levels can cause damage to nerves and tissues in the kidneys, heart and eyes. Diet and exercises are important for disease management, but insulin replacement is required for those with Type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes — Differences Between Adults and Children

Type 1 diabetes in children often manifests with weight loss, drinking large quantities of liquids, frequent urination and fatigue. In some cases, a child who has been successfully potty trained starts wetting the bed again at night, indicating a problem. A clinical blood glucose check will indicate whether the child has an elevated blood glucose level and a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes.

In adults, excessive symptoms of Type 1 diabetes may not appear immediately. It is most often diagnosed in adults after lab results indicate an elevated blood glucose level during a routine checkup with blood testing.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes affects the body in similar ways but is not physiologically the same as Type 1. This type of diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin. That means your pancreas is making insulin, but your body isn't using it correctly. Type 2 diabetes often develops gradually over time and is frequently preceded by prediabetes. Unfortunately, many people don't notice the symptoms until the disease moves past the prediabetes phase and becomes more serious.

Many of the early signs of Type 2 diabetes are the same as Type 1, such as frequent urination, increased thirst and appetite, low energy levels, wounds that won't heal and blurry vision, but people with Type 2 typically gain weight instead of lose weight and may experience numbness or tingling in their hands and feet. Patches of dark skin, yeast infections and itching may also occur.

Recognizing these symptoms early can help with diagnosis and quick intervention, which, in turn, often reduces the risk of more serious complications. Some people with Type 2 diabetes are able to manage the disease by changing their diet and exercising several times a week. Others have to take insulin injections or oral medications in addition to changing their diet and exercising.

Serious Complications of Diabetes

Continuously elevated blood sugar levels that occur when either type of diabetes goes untreated can lead to serious health complications over time. Cuts, burns and other wounds that heal slowly due to diabetes can become seriously infected, possibly leading to nerve damage or amputation of limbs. Circulation to the feet and other extremities could slow down, reducing oxygen to these parts of the body.

Organ damage caused by high blood sugar levels could extend to the kidneys and heart, possibly resulting in kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. In extreme cases, blurry vision could lead to diabetic retinopathy and loss of vision. If diabetic ketoacidosis occurs from excessive ketone buildup in the blood, it could result in a diabetic coma or even death.

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Diabetic Diet Sugar In Oatmeal

Source: https://www.symptomfind.com/health/what-are-signs-diabetes?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740013%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex


7 Day Vegetarian Diet Low Calories For Diabetes

7 Day Vegetarian Diet Low Calories For Diabetes

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So you want to know whether it's possible to lose weight on a vegetarian diet? Heck yeah it is! That's good news already, isn't it? And even better, you've come to the right place. This guide sets you up for the free 7-Day Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan including a grocery list.

First we'd like to show you the benefits of a vegetarian diet for losing weight. There are many and that should get you excited to try it out already!

Next, we go over the weight loss basics. These are essential and stay the same, no matter what diet you're on.

After that we dive a bit deeper on how to get all the nutrients you need on a vegetarian diet. Important, because we don't want you to worry over enough protein 😉

Then we put everything into practice with our meal plan including ONLY quick and easy recipes.

Ready? Let's dive right in!

Benefits of the vegetarian diet for weight loss

Fresh Vegetarian Groceries - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan
(One of my meal plan shopping hauls)

Vegetarian diets can be twice as effective for weight loss as carnivorous diets. This is what researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington DC found in this study.

There is another study with co-authors from the Harvard School of Public Health indicating that vegetarian diets seem to have significant benefits on weight loss compared to non-vegetarian diets.

And these researchers from the Loma Linda University in California found in a group of more than 60.000 people that vegetarians had less body fat than non-vegetarians. This indicates in their eyes that vegetarianism has substantial potential to protect against obesity.

That is really awesome news! But you know how it is with studies. One says this, another says that.

Here is why the vegetarians in this study were so successful:

On a healthy vegetarian diet you emphasize more on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant-based proteins. At the same time you avoid many high calorie food groups, most importantly processed foods like canned soups or frozen pizzas. By the way, this is also what the researchers in the studies above think.

The Weight Loss Basics

Intake vs Output - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

Did you know? As a rule of thumb, weight loss is about 75% diet and 25% exercise (see here). So just by eating right, we can do loads already!

To lose weight you need to take in less calories than your body requires for maintaining its weight – no matter whether these calories consist of protein, carbs or fat.

As simple as that. In reverse: if you eat more calories than your body requires, you gain weight.

In our meal plan you'll also find a sheet to easily calculate your necessary calorie intake – if you want to focus on calorie counting. But you don't have to with this meal plan. Here is why:

Now, what is the easiest way to turn around your calorie balance from gaining weight to losing weight?

Answer: Less highly processed foods, more whole foods. That's it. We promise you, any serious weight loss diet is based on that fundamental rule.

By highly processed food we mean multi-ingredient industrial mixtures that are no longer one thing – fish fingers, sweets, cola (see here).

Processed Foods - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

By whole foods we mean food that is not or just a little processed and refined before being consumed, eg. whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, fresh milk, eggs (check here).

What's the problem with highly processed food? Most of them contain a lot of sugar, unhealthy fats and artificial ingredients. And on top of that they are low in nutrients (see here). On the other hand whole foods are exactly the opposite.

As a rule of thumb just by replacing most highly processed food with whole foods you'll automatically move into a caloric deficit. On top of that, we made sure that the daily caloric goal on the plan is roughly 1500 kcal for women and 1800 kcal for men, which means a deficit of around 500 kcal/day for most people.

Nutrition Basics on a Vegetarian Diet

Fresh Produce - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

I'm sure many of you don't only want to know about the weight loss side of things when it comes to a vegetarian diet. Getting all the nutrients you need is at least as important as losing some pounds.

First off, if you are eating a variety of foods in appropriate quantities, it's unlikely that you are missing out on any key nutrients as a result of going vegetarian.

Actually, being on a vegetarian diet can have many health benefits if you avoid processed foods and stick to whole foods as mentioned earlier. Compared to the "standard western" diet including meat, vegetarians as a population have a lower rate of the common conditions list below (see here, and here):

  • Obesity (you've guessed)
  • Heart disease
  • Lower rates of hypertension
  • Lower LDL cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Type II diabetes
  • Overall lower rates of cancer

That said, there are some important points to mention in relation to:

  • Protein
  • Omega 3 fats
  • Iron
  • Vitamin B12


In the image below you see some of the top vegetarian protein sources.

Against popular belief, meeting protein requirements shouldn't present any issues at all. A balanced vegetarian diet can provide all the protein you need. Include a wide variety of protein containing foods into your diet and you'll be absolutely fine:

  • Nuts, peas, beans (including peanuts)
  • Dairy products (cheese has similar protein to meat/fish by weight)
  • Eggs (considered a complete protein)
  • Tofu and meat substitutes
  • Rice, grains, pasta, quinoa and breads

Omega 3

Omega 3 Rich Foods - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

In general the typical Western diet is too high in Omega 6 relative to Omega 3. This means even though you were not eating vegetarian it would be recommendable to keep an eye on your Omega ratio (see here, and here).

Omega 3 fats have important anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic effects (reducing the risk of blood clotting). Their anti-inflammatory processes may be particularly important if you have an inflammatory condition such as arthritis or eczema. Also they appear to be important for our brain to perform well.

For you, it means to include foods with a good Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio in your diet to get the balance right.

Eat more

  • flax seeds,
  • chia seeds
  • flaxseed oil

And avoid vegetable oils high in omega 6 like sunflower oil. Here's also a list of foods high in omega 3 and omega 6 for you to get an overview.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Rich Foods - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

Important functions of vitamin B12 are the formation of red blood cells as well as maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system.

Most animal foods contain vitamin B12, especially fish. Vegetarians (as opposed to vegans) can get their B12 intake from dairy products and eggs.

Also, many foods are fortified with B12. Examples of these include breakfast cereals, yeast extracts, soy, almond and rice milks. But definitely check labels to be sure.

Good sources of vitamin B12 in a vegetarian diet include:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy products – cheese and milk are natural sources
  • Yeast extract – a fortified source
  • Fortified cereals, soy milk, and soy yogurt


Iron Rich Foods - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

Iron is needed to carry oxygen to all the body's cells. It is also involved in the cellular production of energy, which is why one of the first signs of low iron deficiency is feeling tired and fatigued (see here). For the meal plan it means we need to add enough nutrition dense foods in order to get the amount of iron we need.

Good sources of iron in a vegetarian diet include:

  • Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans and other pulses
  • Tofu
  • Sprouted beans and seeds
  • Breakfast cereals and bread
  • Green leafy vegetables like kale and cabbage, and also broccoli
  • Nuts, such as almonds and cashews
  • Dried apricots, dates and raisins
  • Date syrup and molasses

Starting the Vegetarian Weight Loss Journey

Part 1: Out with the old

Foods to Avoid - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

We're no fans of throwing food in the bin. But it's important that you don't stock up on certain things. As you surely know, we all have our weaknesses for certain naughty foods, and if they are in the house we are much more likely to give in to temptation. That would be a shame for our weight loss efforts.

Follow these tips and you'll be sure you automatically eat more whole foods and reduce calorie intake a lot.

Use less highly processed fats like margarine and cheap oils like canola or sunflower oils

Stop purchasing meats of all kind, especially the highly processed ones like sausages and sandwich slices.

Avoid stocking up on sugary snacks like donuts, milk chocolate, cookies and sweets. Also skip the salted chips and salted nuts.

Dressings and Sauces
Walk past heavy caloric products like mayonnaise, ketchup, french dressings and alike.

Store bought sodas and iced teas usually are high in calories. Juices are naturally high in calories too. Cut down on these products.

Also important: read nutrition labels!

You'll be surprised how many calories you find in a single bottle of soda or in a cup of seemingly healthy fruit yogurts. Make sure to always check the serving sizes as well. Many companies are sneaky and recommend super small serving sizes in order to bring the calorie count down.

Don't let them fool you! You'll get good at reading labels quickly.

As an example check out these Haribo Goldbears (not vegetarian, actually). To figure out how many calories are in this pack you have to do quite some math: 4.5 times 100 = 450 kcal. Now to be able to compare this to other snacks it would be better to know the calories per 100g: 450 kcal / 142g * 100 = 316 kcal per 100g. All in all quite naughty to say the least.

Haribo Nutrition Facts - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

Part 2: In with the new

Vegetarian Grocery Shopping - Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

Now you might feel slightly disappointed to see so many of your favourite groceries banned from your kitchen. Well, the good news is that the vegetarian diet is not about abstaining, but about changing food staples.

Let's go:

Use more of the less refined fats like butter, olive oil and coconut oil.

Meat replacements?!
Going vegetarian doesn't mean to just leave out meat or replace meat with a meat substitute. It's more about discovering new recipes. If you are worried about protein and B12, then foods like chickpeas, beans, lentils, tofu, eggs, halloumi cheese, feta and mozzarella are excellent sources.

Stock up on dried fruits, nuts, seeds, homemade popcorn and dark chocolate.

Dressings and Sauces
Make your own dressings or at least get some low calorie store bought dressings and use them in moderation.

To Drink
Go for various teas, water and coffee.

Our vegetarian weight loss meal plan has all this incorporated, so you can easily follow along, stress-free.

Part 3: The Weight Loss Meal Plan

Alrighty, on to the veggie meal plan! It's only moderate in carbs and higher in healthy fats/proteins making it easier to lose weight. Many of the carbs are fibre, also beneficial for weight loss and maintenance.

Day 1 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 1

Day 1 kicks off easy, tasty and nutritious:

2 Ingredient Banana Egg Pancakes
Raunchy Sweet Potato Salad
Melted Feta Veggie Bake
Plus, snacks that we've written in the meal plan 🙂

Day 2 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 2

For day 2 lunch is leftovers of the Sweet Potato Salad.

Breakfast Egg Muffins
Raunchy Sweet Potato Salad
Sexy Lentil Stew
For the snacks check out the meal plan.

Day 3 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 3

Less cooking, more eating on day 3. Breakfast and lunch are already waiting for you as leftovers in the fridge.

Breakfast Egg Muffins
Sexy Lentil Stew
Pear Walnut Salad
You guessed it, snacks are in the meal plan 😉

Day 4 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 4

In day 4 you'll find one of our favourite "prep & relax" recipes – the Stuffed Bell Peppers. Stuffed in minutes, off into the oven for half an hour and done. Lovely.

Vegan Ironman Oatmeal
Pear Walnut Salad
Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers
Snacks are…yep!

Day 5 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 5

Day 5 is an easy one, no cooking, only re-heating. For the Chickpea Salad ideally buy a parsley plant so it stays fresh until now (yep, we think about "produce shelf life" when creating these plans).

Vegan Ironman Oatmeal
Easy Stuffed Bell Peppers
Vegan Chickpea Salad
You know where to find the snacks.

Day 6 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 6

Day 6: Omelettes are the perfect weight loss dish; of course we've added a recipe to this plan.

Easy Tomato Omelette
Vegan Chickpea Salad
Easy Cauliflower Curry
Today no snacks.

Just joking. They're in the meal plan.

Day 7 of the vegetarian weight loss meal plan

Day 7

And we've arrived at day 7! The Turkish Lentil Salad is definitely a highlight. So easy to prep, nutritious and delicious. Excellent for weight loss.

Cream Cheese Pancakes
Turkish Lentil Salad
Easy Cauliflower Curry
Snacks → meal plan 🙂

In case you got hungry while going through all these recipes, how about you give that Cauliflower Curry a shot right away? Let me post the recipe right here:

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 4 people

Author: Lorena & HurryTheFoodUp

  • ½ medium cauliflower (½ = 400g)
  • 2 onion
  • ½ red pepper
  • 2 small-medium potato
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 2 thumbs ginger, fresh
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 ½ tbsp curry paste (make sure the paste is vegetarian – choose your fave)
  • 2 cans coconut milk
  • 1 lime (juiced)
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • salt
  • 1 bunch cilantro/coriander, fresh (if you fall in the cilantro haters group, try basil instead)
  • Cut the potatoes and bell pepper into small cubes, chop the cauliflower into bite sized pieces.

  • Remove the tips of the green beans and cut them in half.

  • Dice up the onion and finely chop the ginger.

  • Add some oil to a pot and on medium heat add the ginger.

  • As soon as it starts to release its aroma (about 2 minutes) add the onion and the bell pepper, and sauté (fry on a medium heat) for 5 minutes.

  • Mix in the curry paste, stir and cook for 2 more minutes.

  • Stir in a little of the coconut milk to dissolve the curry paste and then pour in the rest. Set to high heat until the milk starts to boil.

  • Once boiling reduce to low heat and add the lime juice, curry powder, salt and maple syrup. Stir well.

  • Now it's time to add the potatoes and cauliflower. Simmer for 5 minutes, add the green beans and and let everything simmer for 5 minutes more.

  • Give the curry a taste test: see if you need to add some more salt, sugar or lime. You can also add a little more curry paste if you like. Once you're happy, it's ready to serve, wohooo!

  • Serve with chopped fresh cilantro on top. Rice or quinoa goes very well with this lovely curry dish!

If you liked this cauliflower curry, then I encourage you to try out this chickpea curry as mentioned earlier. If you're leaning towards something Asian-inspired, how about this cool tofu salad?

Thanks Lorena for this excellent recipe with serious hit potential. Want to see more of her creations? Check out her instagram over here.

Nutrition Facts

7-Day Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan: 1500 kcal/day – Free Download

Amount per Serving

% Daily Value*

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Tag @WPRecipeMaker on Instagram so we can admire your masterpiece!

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Alright, there you have it! This doesn't look bad at all for a vegetarian weight loss meal plan, does it?

Now you might have some questions left. Let's answer them now:

What if I don't want to prep all meals?
If you don't like some recipes or just want to skip breakfast – no problem. Just cross those off the meal plan. And since each meal is assigned to a letter you can find all respective ingredients on the grocery list and cross them off as well. That way you won't buy anything you won't use. Easy.

For how many people is the meal plan set up?
The meal plan is laid out just for one single person. Also the recipes only call for ingredients to make only one or two servings. If you want to use the recipes of this meal plan for your partner or whole family you'll have to multiply the ingredients. You can change this easily on the site.

Are there different meal plans for men and women?
Yep, there are two meal plans. One 1500 kcal/day (women) and one 1800 kcal/day (men). If you want to calculate your individual calorie intake we recommend modifying the snacks to reach your daily calorie limit. Alternatively you can always vary the calories of a meal by adding or removing certain ingredients (bread, avocado, etc.) to adjust to your individual level.

When should I start with the vegetarian weight loss meal plan?
Begin whenever you like. How about today?

And what about drinking?
Avoid soft drinks and alcohol. Stick to water (with lemon or mint), tea and coffee without sweeteners. You'll save a ton of calories!

What should I eat for the weeks after the 7 day meal plan is over?
Easy! Either you repeat our 7 day meal plan, or even better: you customize your own! That's why we've added a meal plan template to the pack as well. Just copy-paste what you liked from the previous week and add new recipes to the plan (there are loads more ideas here).

Last but not least: don't overthink things. It's ok to skip a meal from the meal plan. For example Hauke almost always has muesli with soy milk for breakfast. ('Leave me alone with those complicated recipes in the morning, will ya?')

And if you want to swap a dish from one day to another, that's fine too! Or maybe you want to make that delish Cauliflower Curry more often? Go for it!

Life after the meal plan

Find more recipes on our site

Your weight loss journey probably won't end after 7 days of healthy vegetarian recipes. We're confident many of the recipes can become staples in your household. And then it's about sticking to them and adding more to the mix!

We've got hundreds of recipes online already. Just use the search on our main page. It should be easy to find your next favourite!


We would like to take a moment to note that this post is for information purposes only. It does not claim to provide medical advice or to be able to treat any medical condition. It makes no claims in respect to weight loss, either in terms of the amount or rate at which weight loss could be achieved. If you have any concerns regarding your health please contact your medical practitioner before making changes.

7 Day Vegetarian Diet Low Calories For Diabetes

Source: https://hurrythefoodup.com/vegetarian-diet-weight-loss/


Diabetes And High Blood Pressure Diet Plan Pdf

Diabetes And High Blood Pressure Diet Plan Pdf

Man frying vegetables making food list for diabetes and high blood pressure

Vegetables pack in certain nutrients that can help manage diabetes and blood pressure.

Image Credit: 10'000 Hours/DigitalVision/GettyImages

Diabetes statistics show people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop high blood pressure than people without the condition, according to experts at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. And high blood pressure, scientifically known as hypertension, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart disease.

So if you have both diabetes and hypertension, it's important to follow a meal plan that manages both conditions and reduces your risk of further health complications. Jo-Anne Rizzotto, RDN and director of educational services at Harvard's Joslin Diabetes Center, typically recommends the DASH diet (which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) for people with both complications.

One of the most important components of the DASH diet is reducing sodium intake: Salt causes the body to retain water, which raises blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). But it's not just about eating less salt. A well-balanced diet is critical for your overall good health.

That's why the DASH diet is rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, nuts and legumes including nutrients that are linked to lower blood pressure, including potassium, calcium, magnesium and fiber. The plan is also low in sodium and processed foods. So consider stocking up on this food list for diabetes and high blood pressure during your next grocery run.

Learn how to fill your plate with healthy, nutrient-dense foods by logging your meals on the MyPlate app. Download now to fine-tune your diet today!

1. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables provide the body with rich amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Richly colored green, orange and red vegetables are particularly good choices because these foods contain lots of potassium and other minerals that help lower blood pressure, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

The American Diabetes Association specifically recommends nonstarchy vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower and leafy salad greens because they're low in sugar and starches, which can spike blood sugar. Another added benefit of eating more non-starchy veggies: They contain fiber, which is essential for people with diabetes as it slows the body's ability to convert food into glucose, which helps to prevent blood-sugar spikes.

Fiber-rich foods aren't just good for blood-sugar control. According to the Mayo Clinic, dietary fiber — especially soluble fiber — can help lower blood cholesterol levels, which, in turn, can reduce both blood pressure and inflammation.

But fiber also contributes to a feeling of fullness — and that can help prevent cravings and therefore lower your calorie intake for the rest of the day. Sounds like a double whammy against weight gain, too, right?


Fruits and starchy vegetables (squash, potatoes, lentils, beans) are less blood sugar-friendly because they contain carbs; however, they still contain fiber, which reduces their effect on blood sugar. The bottom line: These foods are still good options for people with diabetes, but should be enjoyed in moderation.

2. Low-Fat Dairy

Calcium-rich foods such as low-fat milk and yogurt can help reduce blood pressure, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Plus, low-fat dairy specifically is linked to lowering systolic blood pressure, per the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

However, keep in mind that non-fat dairy can ​raise​ blood sugar levels for some people because the lack of dietary fats means the food is metabolized more quickly than its full-fat counterparts, says Cara Schrager, RDN, a certified diabetes educator at the Joslin Diabetes Center.

But the way people respond to dairy is very individualized, notes Schrager. "Drinking a cup of skim milk may not affect blood sugar levels. It really depends on the foods that comprise the rest of the meal." Case in point: Eating well-balanced meals is critical to maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

If you're lactose intolerant, have a dairy sensitivity or are following a vegan diet, plant-based beverages can be a healthy alternative to milk and yogurt — just make sure they're enriched with calcium if you want to get similar benefits. It is the calcium in dairy that is a key feature for DASH diets. "Soy can be a good option," notes Rizzotto. "It has seven grams of protein per serving, so it's similar to milk, which has eight grams." Nut milks, however, contain much less protein.

3. Lean Proteins

Increasing your protein intake can actually help lower your blood pressure, according to the American College of Cardiology. Plus, high-protein foods such as meats, poultry, seafood and tofu are all carb-free, which already deems them A-OK for people with diabetes.

However, you have to be picky about the cut you cook. Fatty meats including beef, lamb and poultry with the skin on all contain saturated fat, which is linked to heart disease, per the AHA.

Instead, opt for skinless white-meat chicken or turkey over dark meat. Fish and tofu are also good lean-protein choices. In fact, a March 2012 American College of Cardiology study found that the isoflavones in tofu may actually help lower blood pressure.

4. Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are both good food choices for people with high blood pressure and diabetes. These foods are high in protein and healthy fat yet low in carbs, deeming them filling and nutritious.

Nuts and seeds also contain a number of minerals that help lower blood pressure, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Flaxseeds are a particularly good option: According to a study published in the December 2013 issue of ​Hypertension​, eating flaxseeds can significantly reduce blood pressure.


Note that many nuts and seeds come pre-salted. Be sure to select unsalted options, so as not to exacerbate high blood pressure.

5. Whole Grains

Although whole grains are primarily made up of carbohydrates, they should still be a vital part of any diabetes- and blood pressure-friendly diet plan. In fact, eating whole grains is linked to lower blood pressure numbers, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Unlike refined grains (think white bread and white rice), which have been stripped of most of their nutritional value, whole grains (think brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat and barley) are high in fiber, vitamins and other minerals. As mentioned, fiber slows the digestion of food, which helps keep blood sugar stable — a win for people with diabetes.

Diabetes And High Blood Pressure Diet Plan Pdf

Source: https://www.livestrong.com/article/254093-foods-to-eat-with-high-blood-pressure-diabetes/


Resume And Business Card Psd Mockup

Resume And Business Card Psd Mockup

Today's collection is dedicated to business cards, stationery mockups and other corporate identity packages that aim to support your or your brand's identity. This collection is very extensive. It includes business cards, CV templates, cover letters, envelopes, flyers, brochures, folders, and even such stuff as coffee mugs, pencils and CD covers. All that material has been hand-picked as being the best stuff 2015 had to offer.

100 Free Business Cards, Resumes, CVs, Corporate Identity Packages

Should you be looking for a printing service to get these business cards out on paper, why not visit GotPrint who have localized offers in a couple of countries worldwide. The company was born in California fifteen years ago and has since expanded to more locations in the United States as well as to India and the Netherlands. More branches are to open soon in Brazil, Canada, Germany and further states of the USA. Design is global and so is printing these designs with GotPrint. They are not limited to business cards, however.

Now have fun with our elaborate collection of 100 personal and corporate brand resources.

Free Resume Template

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Creator: Tamzid Hasan
License: CC BY-NC 4.0.

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License: Free for personal & commercial use.

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Creator: Adek
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

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Creator: Mats-Peter Forss
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

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Creator: Mats-Peter Forss
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

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License: Free for personal & commercial use.

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License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

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License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

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Creator: Clevery
License: Personal use.

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Creator: Tomasz Mazurczak
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Simple Business Card

simple b-card

Creator: Mustafa Turhan
License: Attribution.

Free Business Card Mockup

blue b0card

Creator: Mahfuz Sonet
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Free Elegant Business Card

bluish b-card

Creator: Thony Nikineko
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

18 Business Card Templates

creative card

Creator: graphicloads
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Vector Stationery Template

bright stationery

Creator: graphicloads
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Dark Business Card MockUp

dark b-card

Creator: Pixeden
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free PSD / Horizontal Business Card

light b-card

Creator: Morchella Factory
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Corporate Business Flyer

corporate business flyer

Creator: Graphic Work
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Free Photography Business Card

photography b-card 2

Creator: graphicpick
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Creative Business Card 02

creative b-card

Creator: graphicpick
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Creative Business Card

pale blue b-card

Creator: graphicpick
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Vertical Business Cards Mockup

vertical green card

Creator: psdfolder
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

St. Patrick's Day Flyer PSD Template

patrick's day flyer

Creator: styleflyers
License: Unlimited use.

Branding Stationery Mockup Vol. 6

yellow stationery

Creator: graphberry
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Business Card Mockup Vol.11

b-card vol11

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Branding Stationery Mockup Vol. 7

pink stationery 2

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Branding Stationery Mockup Vol. 8

stationery vol8

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Branding Identity Mockup PSD

red brand identity

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Bi-Fold Brochure Mockup

bi-fold brochure

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Standing Business Card Mockup

white b-card

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Branding Mockup PSD

branding mockup

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Unique Squared Shaped Envelope PSD Mockup + Letterhead Mockup

pastel envelope

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Gorgeous Free A4 Brochure Mockup In Portrait Layout – (4 PSD Files)

a4 mockup

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Free Notebook Mockup With Movable Elements

notebook mockup

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Stationery Mockup v1.0

grey stationery

Creator: graphicpear
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Stationery Mockup Scene Generator

blusih stationery

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Floating Envelope Mockup

floating envelope

Creator: alienvalley
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Identity MockUp Vol. 15

identity mockup vol15

Creator: GraphicBurger
License: Royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects.

Food Packaging & Branding MockUps

food branding

Creator: MockupZone
License: Royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects.

Identity MockUp Vol. 14

identity mockup vol14

Creator: graphicburger
License: Royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects.

I am Creator – Perspective Edition Demo

perspective- edition demo

Creator: Ruslan Latypov
License: Royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects.

Restaurant And Bar MockUps

restaurant mockup

Creator: Mockup Cloud
License: Royalty free for use in both personal and commercial projects.

Stationery Mock-Up / Corporate

corporate mockup

Creator: Mockup Cloud
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Stationery Mock-Up / Art & Craft

art stationery

Creator: mockup cloud
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Stationery Mock-Up / Premium Edition

dark stationery

Creator: mockup cloud
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Mockup Gift

sea-themed identity

Creator: Nikoloz Bionika
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Cosmetics PSD Mockup

cosmetics mockup

Creator: forgraphic
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Template – Roommate Agreement

roommate agreement

Creator: Ivana Todorovski
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Stationery PSD Mockups

vintage stationery

Creator: graphiclist
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Branding / Stationery Mockup

stationery mockup

Creator: calwin
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Clean Stationery PSD Mockup

clean stationery

Creator: Vitaly Stepanenko
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Brochure Mockup

brochure mockup

Creator: alienvalley
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Simple Flyer Mockup

simple flyer

Creator: alienvalley
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Book Cover Mockup

book cover mockup

Creator: alienvalley
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Business Card Mockup PSD

artistic b-card

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Open Book Mockup PSD

open book mockup

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Tiled Perspective Business Card Mockup

tiled mockup

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Branding Identity Presentation Mockup

light branding identity

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Business Card Mockup PSD

b-card psd

Creator: Rafi
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

The Harmony – Free Brand Book Template

brand book template

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Customizable Free Business Card Mockup

customizable b-card

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Free Isometric Paper CD Cover Mockup & CD Mockup

isometric cd cover

Creator: zippypixels
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Branding Stationery Mockup Vol. 5

stationery mockup vol 5

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Business Card Mockup Vol. 9

bright b-card

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Three-Page Brochure Mockup

three page brochure

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Business Card Mockup Vol. 10

b-card vol 10

Creator: graphberry
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Free PSD File Space No. 03

red stationery

Creator: Lenka Matinová
License: CC BY-NC 4.0.

Free PSD Mockup Template

blue stationery

Creator: Lenka Matinová
License: CC BY-NC 4.0.

Free Business Card

clean b-card

Creator: Hazeem Muhammed
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Free Corporate Business Card

corporate b-card

Creator: Arif Samad
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Corporate Identity Package – Stationery

dark corporate identity

Creator: Marvel Media
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Free Stationery Branding Mockup

winter stationery

Creator: Mockups Design
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Creative Professional Resume Template PSD

professional resume

Creator: PSD Freebies
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Creative Resume for Web Designers PSD

dark resume

Creator: PSD Freebies
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Free Personal CV/Resume Web Template

personal resume

Creator: Junaed Ahmed Numan
License: Attribution-NonCommercial.

Freebie – Resume Template

b&w resume 2

Creator: Fay Zodiac
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Resume/CV & Cover Letter

blue resume

Creator: Eftakher Alam
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Three-Page Resume Template

3 page resume

Creator: Jahangir Alam
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Free Minimalistic Resume

minimalistic resume

Creator: Fay Zodiac
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Free Minimal Resume Design PSD

minimal resume

Creator: Kashif Mehmood Mughal
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Simple Resume Templates

simple resume

Creator: Paul Zupin
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

14 Bifold Mockups

14 bifold mockupd

Creator: Justin Horne
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Corporate Branding Set

corporate identity

Creator: Abdullah Noman
License: DFree for personal and commercial use.

Modern CV Template

cv template

Creator: Wassim Awadallah
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Free Clean & Minimal Resume Template

tidy resume

Creator: Mats-Peter Forss
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Minimal & Clean Resume Template | PSD & AI

classic resume

Creator: Mats-Peter Forss
License: Free for personal and commercial use.

Resume Mockup

black-and-white resume

Creator: Bjorn Lindberg
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Resume // Powerpoint Template

powerpoint resume

Creator: ragakata
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.



Creator: Mahmud Saeef
License: Free for personal or business purposes without any permission.

Simple Resume

simple resume 2

Creator: Dean Harrison
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.


blue cv

License: Free to use and share.

Free Resume Template

b&w resume template

Creator: Fernando Báez.
License: Personal use.

Free Elegant Resume & Cover Letter PSD Template

3 cv templates

Creator: zippypixels
License: View License Details.

Resume Template

corporate resume

Creator: Muhamad Reza Adityawarman
License: Attribution-NonCommercial.

CV Free Resume with Sketch 3

cv free

Creator: Lorenzo Bellucci
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Clean Resume Template

clean resume

Creator: Eugene Kovalenko
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

17+ Free Resume Templates for 2021

free resume template word

Creator: Zety
License: Declared as Free

Material Design Resume / CV & Portfolio

material design cv

Creator: Px- Lab
License: Declared as Free, no proper license given.

Curriculum Template

cv mockup

Creator: rafael francia
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Resume Mockup PSD

resume theme

License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives.

Free Resume Template

business identity

Creator: syed miraj
License: Feel free to use and edit.

Resume And Business Card Psd Mockup

Source: https://www.noupe.com/inspiration/best-of-2015-100-free-business-cards-resume-templates-and-other-corporate-identity-packages-95683.html
